On April 13th Petrol Orthodontics hosted a field trip at their new Temecula office for students of Pauba Valley Elementary School which was arranged by the six and seven year olds’ teacher. Her classes were reading a book about a Mastiff dog named "Mudge." The children met "Stormy" my seven year old Mastiff, one of the two dogs pictured above. Stormy is on the right. PJ and Stormy shared the job of mascot for Petrol Orthodontics until PJ passed away a year and a half ago.
In addition, my entire staff assisted the students in making a plaster cast of their thumb the same process that is used to make dental models of teeth. The students also learned about oral hygiene and proper tooth brushing techniques and had a fun, quick visual orthodontic evaluation. All of the students were given a gift of an oral hygiene kit with toothbrush, toothpaste and floss.
The students thanked us with this wonderful artwork: